Travel Guide to Vancouver, BC with a Toddler

Canada, our neighbor to the north. Our family has been frequenting this place for years. Being Seattleites, Vancouver seems like an extension city just a meer 3 hour drive via i-5 north. The border can cause a bit of a delay depending on the day and time you cross, but nothing that would deter you from enjoying this glass toured beauty. Nestled between mountains and the ocean is Vancouver Island. Although it may seem to be larger than Seattle because of the sheer number of skyscrapers packed onto such a small island, it actually is smaller by about 50,000 people, albeit the Seattle metro area still out numbers Vancouver’s by several million. The city has a European feel with lots of great shopping, restaurants, and museums to patron. Plus, similar to Seattle, it is so close to the mountains that you can ski, hike, mountain bike, and enjoy an afternoon in the city all in one day. Since we have come to Vancouver for so many years before having LBB, it was a fun proposition to bring along a toddler the last few times we have visited to see what they had to offer in the children’s department. So here are our top spots to enjoy as a family!

Seawall Coal Harbor Views

  • Stanley Park: We love Stanley Park! It is a quick drive from downtown to get here, and you can rent bikes, walk the Vancouver Seawall, and even take a small train through the park to enjoy the scenery. (Bonus, there is a Christmas train if you’re traveling around the holidays!) Another major draw of the island is the Aquarium (which I’ll detail below). This spot really can’t be beat. Plus, there have been loads of movies filmed on the waterfront!

LBB loving the jellyfish at the Aquarium

  • Vancouver Aquarium: This spot is a must if you’re traveling with little ones. I have to say, this aquarium wins out from the Seattle Aquarium. It is a pricy experience, I’ll say that. But it is most definitely worth the price for the experience. There is everything from jellyfish to walrus! They even have several showings throughout the day when they feed the walrus and show off their skills in the water. It’s a great way to see the animals up close, and LBB had a B L A S T! I highly recommend buying your tickets online beforehand, not only do you get the skip the line, but you also pay a reduced price from what I remember.

Granville Island, Kids Market

  • Granville Island: Even though Granville Island can be easily accessed by car, it’s a great spot to both take a water taxi, and also drive on depending on the time of year. There is a great public market similar to Pikes Place Market, with loads of stalls of bakeries, produce, and gifts. You can’t go wrong. We just discovered an added bonus to the island… Kids Market this spot is a hidden gem that I wouldn’t have even known had existed had I not been a parent. It has a obstacle course/indoor play gym, arcades, bumper cars, and even some shops focused on kids accessories, and books. We enjoy spending a morning split between the Granville Market and Kids Market. Everyone leaves tired, and well fed.

Science World Toddler Zone

Lift yourself at Science World

View of the city and Rogers Arena from Science World

  • Science World: This was the first trip that we had the chance to go to Science World. It was a rainy morning and we figured it would be best spent indoors. This is a metropolis of learning and fun. It was absolutely packed when we arrived right when it opened at 10am (members get special entrance at 9:30am) and continued to fill up as the morning went on. I blame it on Christmas school vacation. But nonetheless, it was so fun to explore! There is a dedicated toddler area for climbing, building, waterplay, and light wall which is nice, but also VERY crowded (get there early). In addition to loads of hands on science activities, displays and exhibitions, you can even have your kiddo participate in science research projects when UBC’s children’s behavioral research group is on site! Well worth the crowds to have fun here for the morning. Even Aymeric and I had fun with all the activities!

  • Grouse Mountain: Aymeric and I have done this before having LBB, and still haven’t had the chance to get LBB up the mountain, but we hope to in the future. There wasn’t enough snow this trip to make it worth it. But it’s still a noteworthy add to a Vancouver travel guide. There are loads of activities once you’re up to the top; from ice skating, skiing, sledding, and zip lines, plus you get to enjoy the gondola ride up the hill which is also a fun way to enjoy the sightseeing of the surrounding area on a high visibility day. Its great year round!

Vandusen Festival of Lights

  • Vandusen Botanical Gardens: This is a 10 minute drive off Vancouver Island, and worth the drive. We went in the evening for the Festival of lights. So beautiful! It was a wonderful holiday tradition that I know we will go back to for years. We haven’t had the chance to go here during the spring and summer months, but it’s on my list of things to do next time!

  • Robson Street: This is more adult focused, but still fun. Who doesn’t love a good shopping stop? Robson Street has loads of restaurants and some of the best shopping in downtown Vancouver. This is the birthplace of Lululemon (headquartered in Vancouver) and Aritzia. So grab a stroller and get shopping! When you’re tired and need a refreshment, there’s Paul, and Laduree for a macaroon and coffee. If you’re into even more bougie shopping try Alberni Street, it boasts everything from Celine, to Chopard. Just remember the US dollar is usually favorable to the CA dollar, so it’s a built in discount!

City Tour Bus Kidtropolis

  • Kidtropolis: Although this is outside of Vancouver city proper, it’s about a 30 minute drive, it’s well worth the stop. It’s similar to Seattle Children’s Museum and or Pretend City, Irvine. It’s set up as a tiny city with everything from a pretend grocery store, to a jail cell. And they have some great long slides and indoor play gym to make the experience even more worth a pit stop. We tend to add this to the way in or out of Vancouver on our way home to Seattle. That way we don’t have to make the drive back to the hotel after.

Seawall Walk Coal Harbor

  • Seawall Water Walk, Coal Harbor: Getting a chance to be by the water is always high up on my list of things to do. So walking along the waterfront in Vancouver is always a must do for me. You get a chance to see the big cruise ships that are docked and there area usually float planes coming in and out of the harbor while you wander. One of our favorite restaurant chains (Cactus Club Cafe) is also situated on the waterfront so it’s a win win win for everyone!

Restaurants & Bakeries:

  • Purebread: I. can not. say. enough. good. things. about. this. bakery. (insert claps between each period) This is basically my heaven. Baked goods packed to the gills in a delicate glass walled case that screams deliciousness. The folks that work there have to stand on stools just to reach all the goodies. It’s like playing tetris with chocolate and gluten. YES PLEASE! It makes me drool just thinking about this case. I’ve included a few photos for your reference, since my words will not do this place justice. There are several locations throughout Vancouver, and there is even one in Whistler Village if you’re ever up there!

  • Paul: This is the French version of Starbucks IMHO, but it’s always delicious and a great spot to grab a pastry, tea, coffee or sandwich. Plus we don’t have them in the US, so it’s a special treat while traveling!

  • Cactus Club Cafe: There are several locations darted around Vancouver. Usually on the water and always has a fun ambiance with great happy hour menus that are served throughout the restaurant, so you don’t get the parent tax when traveling with minors. It has a range of food and delicious cocktails to boot! Always a great spot to enjoy a meal.

  • Granville Market: I mentioned this earlier as an activity to do with the family, but the main focus for me is always food. We’ve never gone wrong at the market with all the varied food stalls they have. You can even grab some delicious nanaimo bars, canels, and fresh juices too!

Places to stay:

  • Carmana Hotel & Suites: We have recently found this spot and stayed here in the last few trips that we’ve driven to Vancouver. The location can’t be beat. It’s across the street from a small grocery store, and around the corner from a liquor store. Plus, it’s just a block from Robson Street. So we rarely have to even take the car out of the garage when we stay. We just get to walk around and enjoy. The other reason we love this spot is that it’s apartment style living. So every unit has a kitchen living and dining room with ample space for suitcases, and pack and plays. Plus, you don’t always have to be forced to eat out if you don’t want to added bonus when traveling with a toddler.

  • Sutton Place Hotel Vancouver: This was our go too spot pre LBB. It has several different room types and is also in a great location downtown. They have a spa and restaurant on site so you can pamper yourself while you stay!

One thing that I’ll note about Vancouver, is that similar to Seattle, there is a bit of a homeless problem. Some of this just comes with the territory when you’re traveling in a big city. But when traveling with a toddler, I don’t always feel safe if I know I’m walking through streets ladened with trash and tents. So do yourself a favor and avoid West Hastings Street. Gastown is on West Hastings which is a popular spot for tourists. But we avoid it. It can get dicey, and never fun to dart around with a stroller. For the most part the homeless encampments are focused in this area, so you shouldn’t have a problem in any other spot in the city.

I hope this has given you a fun list of things to do while exploring the city to the North. Have some poutine, watch some hockey and enjoy!


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