Wipes, Dypes & Cheeks: Daily Must Haves for Baby…

In the early days of preparing to have a baby, all I did in my free time was research the best baby products. Clean, free of the nasty chemicals that pollute so many products these days, and of course bougie. I just wanted to feel like what I put on my baby I knew was good. So ensued the biggest research project of my pregnancy. PRODUCTS! So here is a compilation of all of the goodies that we use on a daily basis to keep LBB clean, dry and happy.

WHOOPSIE DRY WIPES: Yes, not all wipes are wet. My cousin had introduced me to the concept of dry wipes after the birth of her twins. Then after more research I found out that it’s a French mom hack. So if that wasn’t bougie enough, I don’t know what is. We use a few pumps of Petit Creme on one whoopsie wipe to clean up a diaper change and voila! Clean, dry and diaper rash free bottom. Plus they are always handy to have around for the occasional runny nose or fruit pouch.

LA PETITE CREME DIAPERING LOTION: This is liquid gold in a bottle. Just a few pumps on a dry wipe and poof! You have yourself a clean bum. This diapering lotion essentially creates a creamy barrier between the diaper and the bum to not only help with diaper rash, but also just keep baby happy and moisturized in all the places that count. We tend to use wet wipes for a hefty number 2 and then follow it up with a dry wipe loaded with a few pumps of this liquid gold. Otherwise just this with dry wipes do the trick!

WATER WIPES: When dry wipes won’t do the trick, these water wipes are the way to go. I have always had ultra sensitive skin, so I only assumed that LBB would be afflicted with the same problem. I didn’t want to risk it with a standard baby wipe filled with fragrances and chemicals, so I get Water Wipes. These are 99.9% water and a drop of fruit extract. You can’t get more clean than that!

DYPER DIAPERS: When I signed up for parenthood, I never expected to spend so much on diapers. But what I can say is that the type of diapers you use matters…When LBB was really struggling with a severe case of diaper rash when she was teething around 9 months old, I would have literally done anything to fix the problem. Insert Dypers. They are Bamboo based diapers that are compostable. So not only are they good for baby bums, they are good for the planet too! Win, win in my book. Once we made the switch from standard brand diapers to these deluxe buggers, LBB’s bum was on the mend. So I fork out a monthly student loan payment in diaper subscription, but they are excellent and I’d say rather blow out proof.

MITOSYL DIAPER CREAM: This is the only diaper cream on the market that works. Well European market that is. I bring an empty suitcase to Europe on most trips just so that I can fill it up with French Pharmacy products. Needless to say, a large section of that suitcase is filled with this diaper cream. It is hands down THE BEST diaper rash cream that works. We had literally tried everything from a pediatrician created over the counter cocktail to Bordeaux butt paste to fix LBB’s aggressive rash. The Frenchie’s win again with Mitosyl. Even my father-in-law recommended it, and I’m pretty sure he’s never changed a diaper in his life. So you know it must work!

LA ROCHE POSAY LIPIKAR BODYWASH: We are the crazy people that bath our little daily. This body wash came into the picture when we had our first case of eczema pop up all over LBB’s back around 18 months old. Her dermatologist recommended it, and it did the trick right way. It’s gentle and great for sensitive skin with a foaming quality to it.

LA ROCHE POSAY LIPIKAR LOTION: Great for sensitive skinned babes! It is quite thick but does absorb into the skin nicely. It has helped keep her skin healthy and smooth post bath!

LA ROCHE POSAY CICAPLAST BALM B5 CREAM: For that occasional eczema spot that won’t heal with just lotion, this balm is great. Just rub a bit into those stubborn spots just after bath and whenever you can remember and it really helps heal the redness. We’ve also used this for any dry skin patches that randomly pop, and sometimes even boo boo’s that have scabbed on the knee. It feels like a multi purpose balm that we always have on hand.

PURACY SHAMPOO & BODYWASH: Prior to being introduced to La Roche Posay for our evening bath routine, this was the only stuff I put on LBB. We still use it for her shampoo. It’s gentle with clean ingredients and made in the US! We use Puracy products all over our house from hand, and dish soap to our own body wash. Highly recommended!

PRIMALLY PURE BABY BALM: Another great multi purpose balm. I used this on my nips when breast feeding, and we’ve used it for LBB too! Chapped lips, dry skin, you name it it’s just handy to have around. Plus this company uses ultra clean ingredients which is always a plus.

PRIMALLY PURE BABY OIL: This stuff is lovely. I have used it on my own skin from time to time. We have toned down using it daily since switching to La Roche Posay, but I still keep it on hand for the occasional rub down.

LA ROCHE POSAY ANTHELIOS MELT IN MILK SPF 100: We use this product daily. LBB had a nasty accident with her sweet nose just after she turned one while traveling. ER, stitches, the whole gambit. So needless to say, the mom guilt for that sweet little scar on her nose is real. I’ve asked everyone about what to do for scar management, and the number one thing is sun protection. So her derm suggested this. It really does melt into the skin so well, and although SPF 100 seems hacky, it works.

FRIDA BABY EVERYTHING: This company knows what’s up. The Nose Frida is a funny little contraption that essentially sucks out snot via your wind pipes from your helpless little one that can’t blow their own nostrils. But it works. So we have a few of these stashed in the house, including the electric version which we graduated to recently. The manual one is great to keep in a travel case and bring with you while flying too! And their nail clippers are the only ones that I’ll use, they have a nice little opening on the top of the clippers so that you can see what your snipping. Critical when clipping tiny nails IMHO.

BUMCO BUM BRUSH: A bum brush you ask? Yes, a bum brush. I’ll go full Picasso on LBB’s bum with this stick. Frankly it’s just more civilized than the manual version for me. Sticky diaper cream on my fingers while changing my child’s diaper in a Nordstrom restroom just gives me the hives. So I got one of these brushes. Makes me feel better about the process.

FRESHLY PICKED DIAPER CHANGING PAD: This has been my go to on the go diaper changing pad. It’s small, and folds up nice and neat to fit in any size diaper bag. Plus they have cute patterns! You really can’t go wrong with this pad.


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