Top 3 Bay Area Parks for Littles

View from the Entrance of Tilden Park.

If you are based in the West Coast, then it is highly likely that you’ll make some sort of trip to the Bay Area at some point. I’m lucky enough to have family and friends scattered around the Bay, so we always get to try new and different activities every time we take a trip. We just got back from a lovely week long trip where we stayed with my BFFL and her 3 littles. So as you can guess, we were always on the look out for activities to keep all 4 chitlens occupied and entertained for a week of fun. Here are a few outings we did this past trip to give you some ideas for your next stop to the Bay.

Tilden Park Little Farm.

  1. Tilden Park, Little Farm & Steam Trains: This park is enormous! Tons of spots to have a nice picnic and plenty of activities to keep any tiny human entertained all afternoon. Plus the views from a few vistas are stunning! We went to the Little Farm in the morning to feed a variety of animals from cows, goats, pigs, ducks, sheep and one goose. Just remember to bring along several heads of lettuce and celery before you go! We brought about 6 small heads of lettuce and 4 celery stalks for context, and we came home with a few extra heads of lettuce. Once we finished up with the feeding frenzy we packed up the car and headed for the steam train. Note: the parking lot on the way to the Farm has a little playground that is fenced, so if you need a place to post up for a snack and get some wiggles out, this is the spot….OK onto the train. This train ride is absolutely darling! It was $4.00 a ticket or $16.00 for a family of 5. All children/adults over the age of 2 need a ticket. It’s an open air tiny steam train that takes you around Tilden in a little track loop. LBB lost her mind. They also sell conductor hats for $10.95. Naturally we picked up 3 for the ride. Think of it similar to the Disney Train that takes you all the way around the park. There are a few ‘towns’, tunnels, and vistas to keep your little engaged as you ride around for about 15-20 minutes. Plus the conductor blows the ‘chooo, choooo’ several times throughout the ride which entertains even the oldest rider. Just note the train schedule, I believe it’s only open on the weekends through June, then it opens up for weekday service during the summer months. Once you finish your trip, you can take a few pictures on the platform before heading back to your car. There are plenty of picnic tables and open space if you packed a lunch, or you can pack it up and head to In-and-Out. I was also told there was a carousel at the park as well if you have time to fit in one more activity. We found that our littles were antsy for lunch and a nap by the time we finished up the train portion of the morning. Just something to keep in mind for planning purposes!

  2. Heather Farms Park: This park is amazing. It has everything from a public pool, to a dog park and pea patch. We went in the morning for a picnic of breakfast burritos and to get some wiggles out at their amazing playground. Once we finished up our breakfast and play session, we took a walk around the pond and connecting walking paths complete with turtles and a fountain! It has something for everyone!

  3. Lafayette Park Walk: This walk is lovely. It’s situated around a pond/lake and has plenty of hills to burn off your vacation calories you’ve consumed. This park does not have a play structure, but it is a great spot to bring a scooter or balance bike to putter around on a leisurely loop. Or if all else fails bring a stroller, because the distance and hills will likely tire out your littles legs before you hit the car.

Duck Pool at Tilden Little Farm.

Feeding Madame Vache a crunchy stick of celery.

Tilden Park Steam Train.

Conductor Hats & Pearls for the Ride.

3 besties running through the walking trails at Heather Farms.

There are plenty of other parks and activities in the Bay of course, but these are tried and tested favorites of our bunch. Grab some snacks and a picnic blanket and head to any one of the three for your next visit!


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